Wire Wiring Harness

Wiring Harness For Battery Starter Alternator VW Polo 15-18 6C0971349MD New Gen

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Wiring Harness For Battery Starter Alternator VW Polo 15-18 6C0971349MD New Gen
Wiring Harness For Battery Starter Alternator VW Polo 15-18 6C0971349MD New Gen
Wiring Harness For Battery Starter Alternator VW Polo 15-18 6C0971349MD New Gen
Wiring Harness For Battery Starter Alternator VW Polo 15-18 6C0971349MD New Gen

Wiring Harness For Battery Starter Alternator VW Polo 15-18 6C0971349MD New Gen
Car parts are complicated to get right, please check with us before ordering. Part number: Alternative part numbers / supersessions: Description This is a Applications / fitment Volkswagen Audi Skoda Seat. Part number: 6C0971349MD Alternative part numbers / supersessions: 6C0 971 349 MD Description This is a wiring harness for battery +, starter and alternator. Applications / fitment Volkswagen Polo 2015 – 2018. Audi A1 2015 – 2018 Skoda Fabia 2015 Onwards. Please note – this may not fit all models, we will need either your UK registration number or the 17 digit VIN number to check if it’s correct before you order. This is a new, genuine part. Our business details are available by clicking here. Our UK VAT number is GB 152 638 508. All our stock is in our warehouse near Hereford, UK. We are not responsible for the time taken for your local Postal service to deliver your order after it has been despatched. We do not mark items as’gifts’ – international government regulations prohibit such behaviour.
Wiring Harness For Battery Starter Alternator VW Polo 15-18 6C0971349MD New Gen
Wiring_Harness_For_Battery_Starter_Alternator_VW_Polo_15_18_6C0971349MD_New_Gen_01_kc Tagged: , , , , , , , .

Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE

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Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE

Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Everything can be delivered immediately and dispatched on the same day. Tout peut être livré immédiatement et expédié le même jour. Tutto può essere consegnato immediatamente e spedito lo stesso giorno. Todo se puede entregar inmediatamente y despachar el mismo día. Sparen Sie 5% wenn Sie mindestens 2 Artikel kaufen. Économisez 5% lorsque vous achetez 2 articles ou plus de. Risparmia il 5% quando acquisti 2 o più articoli di. Ahorre un 5% al?? comprar 2 o más artículos de. Used auto parts with a functional guarantee. Gebrauchte Autoteile mit Funktionsgarantie. Pièces automobiles d’occasion avec garantie de fonctionnement. Ricambi auto usati con garanzia funzionale. Autopartes usadas con garantía funcional. Harness Engine wiring harness Harness for ENGINE VW Polo 6R 09-14. Kabelbaum Motorkabelbaum Leitungssatz für Motor für VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW. Faisceau de câbles Faisceau de câbles moteur Jeu de câbles électriques pour MOTEUR VW Polo 6R 09-14. Fascio cablaggio Cablaggio motore Kit cavi elettrici per MOTORE VW Polo 6R 09-14. Arnés de cables Arnés de cableado del motor Kit de cables eléctricos para Motor VW Polo 6R 09-14. Used with Function test. Part Number: 03E971612AD 03E971612AE. Doccasion avec fonction feux Test de fonctionnement. Détails de l’article. État: voir les images. Vérifié pour la fonction. Pour le paiement jusqu’à 14 heures le même jour Diffusé. Seconda mano con Test di funzionamento. Numero parte: 03E971612AD 03E971612AE. Stato: vedere le immagini. Controllato per la funzione. Per i pagamenti agli 14h Consegna nello stesso giorno. Ocasion Función de las luces Prueba de función. Número de pieza: 03E971612AD 03E971612AE. Comprobado para su función. Para los pagos a 14h Se distribuye mismo día. Information about the article. Informations sur l’article. Información sobre el artículo. Schwarz Anthrazit und Grau. Benzin TSI 1,2 51KW. Manual transmission 5G 2WD. Pedestrian protection Mountain start-up wizard Normal seats Comfort Package CD RADIO Fog Light. Fußgängerschutz, Berganfahrassistent, Normalsitze, Komfortausstattung, CD-Radio, Nebelscheinwerfer. Transmission manuelle 5G 2WD. Protection des piétons Assistant de démarrage de montagne Sièges normaux Équipement de confort CD RADIO Phares antibrouillard. Trasmissione manuale 5G 2WD. Protezione dei pedoni Procedura guidata di avvio di montagna Sedili normali Equipaggiamento comfort CD RADIO Fendinebbia. Transmisión manual 5G 2WD. Protección de los peatones Asistente de puesta en marcha de montaña Asientos normales Equipamiento de confort CD RADIO Faro antiniebla. Vehicle use list is only used for a rough selection of compatible vehicles. It is not guaranteed to fit in all vehicles displayed. If you are not sure, send us your chassis number so that we can check compatibility using the parts catalog, in many cases a reliable check is possible. There are many differences / changes within a series. Wenn die Teilenummer 03E971612AD 03E971612AE oder eine der OEM Nummern mit Ihrer übereinstimmt dann ist die Kompatibilität zu 95 Prozent gegeben. Fahrzeugverwendungsliste dient nur der groben Auswahl der kompatiblen Fahrzeuge. Es wird nicht garantiert, dass es in alle angezeigten Fahrzeuge passt. Es gibt sehr viele Unterschiede/Änderungen innerhalb einer Baureihe. Sie sollen vor dem Kauf die Bilder und auf jeden Fall die Teilenummer (wenn vorhanden) vergleichen. Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, senden Sie uns Ihre Fahrgestellnummer zu, damit wir die Komapatibilität über Teilekatlaog prüfen können. In vielen Fällen ist bei uns eine sichere Prüfung möglich. La liste d’utilisation des véhicules n’est utilisée que pour une sélection approximative de véhicules compatibles. Il n’est pas garanti de s’adapter à tous les véhicules exposés. Avant d’acheter, vous devez comparer les images et dans tous les cas le numéro de pièce (si disponible). Si vous n’êtes pas sûr, envoyez-nous votre numéro de châssis afin que nous puissions vérifier la compatibilité à l’aide du catalogue de pièces, dans de nombreux cas, un contrôle fiable est possible. Il existe de nombreuses différences / changements dans une série. L’elenco di utilizzo del veicolo viene utilizzato solo per una selezione approssimativa di veicoli compatibili. Non è garantito che si adatti a tutti i veicoli visualizzati. Prima di acquistare è necessario confrontare le immagini e comunque il codice articolo (se disponibile). Se non sei sicuro, inviaci il tuo numero di telaio in modo da poter verificare la compatibilità utilizzando il catalogo dei ricambi, in molti casi è possibile un controllo affidabile. Ci sono molte differenze / modifiche all’interno di una serie. La lista de uso de vehículos solo se utiliza para una selección aproximada de vehículos compatibles. No se garantiza que se ajuste a todos los vehículos mostrados. Antes de comprar, debe comparar las imágenes y, en cualquier caso, el número de pieza (si está disponible). Si no está seguro, envíenos su número de chasis para que podamos verificar la compatibilidad utilizando el catálogo de piezas, en muchos casos es posible una verificación confiable. Hay muchas diferencias / cambios dentro de una serie. Our expertise is Your Security. Unsere Kompetenz ist Ihre Sicherheit. Notre savoir-faire est votre sécurité. La nostra esperienza è la vostra sicurezza. Nuestra experiencia es su seguridad. Our staff has many years of experience in the field of car recycling and online trading. For further information on this topic please read the terms of cancellation and the terms and conditions below. Alle unsere Mitarbeiter haben langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich Autoverwertung und Onlinehandel. HighLine Autoteile GmbH steht für höchste Qualität und einen umfassenden, professionellen Service. 30 Tage Rückgaberecht auf alle Teile. Genaue Informationen dazu können Sie der Widerrufsbelehrung sowie den allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen weiter unten entnehmen. Les membres de notre équipe ont une expérience de longue durée dans le recyclage de voitures et la vente en ligne. HighLine Autoteile Gmbh est reconnue pour la qualité et le professionnalisme de ses services. 30 jours de droit de rétraction sur toutes les pièces. Pour plus d’informations consultez les conditions générales ainsi que les conditions de rétraction plus bas sur le site. Tutto il nostro personale hanno anni di esperienza nel recupero automobilistico e trading online. Highline Automotive Parts GmbH è sinonimo di alta qualità e un servizio professionale completo. 30 giorni politica di rimpatrio su tutte le parti. Informazioni dettagliate, è possibile la cancellazione e consultare i termini e le condizioni qui di seguito. Todo nuestro personal tienen años de experiencia en la recuperación de la automoción y el comercio en línea. Highline Refacciones Automotrices GmbH es sinónimo de la más alta calidad y un servicio profesional integral. 30 días política de retorno en todas partes. Información detallada, puede hacer de la cancelación y se refieren a los términos y condiciones siguientes. We only use authentic pictures. All other parts from the depicted vehicle can be bought ->here. Unfortunately we have no way to do a compatibility check for you due to a lack of software. We provide you with a wide range of data and pictures to help you on your decision making. As a consequence a subsequent change of your address might not be possible. Errors may occur due to translation. View the original text in German. Wir verwenden immer original Bilder in der Artikelbeschreibung. Auch der Lieferumfang ist den Bildern zu entnehmen. Auf alle unsere Teile bekommen Sie Funktions versprechen, es sei denn, dass das Teil ausdrücklich als defekt verkauft wird. Alle noch verfügbaren Teile aus dem abgebildeten Fahrzeug sind ->HIER. Bitte vergleichen Sie die hier angegebenen Teilenummern mit dem Ersatzteil von Ihrem Fahrzeug, oder lassen Sie uns mit Hilfe ihrer Fahrgestellnummer, die Komapibilität prüfen. Alle Teile können Sie auch direkt bei uns in Linkenheim-Hochstetten bei Karlsruhe abholen, um die Versandkosten sparen. Viele Teile passen auch zu anderen Fahrzeugen. Bitte Teilenummern vergleichen oder beim Händler erfragen. Sollten Sie ein Teil nicht finden, ist es möglicherweise schon verkauft oder aussortiert worden. In machen Fällen ist der Mwst Satz 0% Differenzbesteuerung. Wir versenden sofort bei Geldeingang bis 14 Uhr, deswegen können nachträgliche Adressänderungen häufig nicht berücksichtigt werden. Versand ins Ausland ist möglich, wählen Sie einfach bei der Versandart Ihr Land aus und Sie können den Versandpreis direkt sehen. Wenn Ihr Land nicht aufgeführt ist, dann ist eder Versand nicht möglich. Beim Versand sperriger Güter wie z. Getriebe, Motoren, Sitzausstattungen bzw. Karosserieteile benötigen wir für einen reibungslosen Versand unbedingt Ihre Telefonnummer für die Spedition und eine gewerbliche Anschrift damit der Versand ohne Avisierung erfolgen kann, daß spart ca. Sie bekommen nach Ihrer Bestellung einen Link, um den aktuellen Bestell- und Versandstatus einzusehen. Con noi, si vedono solo le immagini originali si ottiene dalle parti e anche la consegna è dettagliato nelle immagini. È possibile ottenere tutte le nostre parti dispongono di una garanzia, se la parte è espressamente venduto come rotto. Abbiamo molte altre parti di veicoli impostate tutte le parti sono ancora disponibili, per favore cercarlo nel negozio: GO. Si prega di confrontare i numeri di parte di cui con una parte nel vostro veicolo, purtroppo non abbiamo alcun modo la mancanza di software, se un indumento adatto per controllare in auto, diamo a tutti i dati e le immagini multiple, è necessario decidere se l’articolo anche si adatta con te. Naturalmente si può prendere parte direttamente da noi. Molte parti inoltre si adattano altri veicoli, si prega di confrontare il numero di parte o consultare il produttore. Spediamo in molti casi, immediatamente dopo aver ricevuto il denaro, quindi non possiamo spesso essere considerati successivo cambiamento di indirizzo. Spedizioni all’estero è possibile selezionare il metodo di spedizione per il vostro paese e si può vedere il Versadpreis, se non è possibile, si prega di informarsi. Quando il trasporto merci ingombranti come. Trasmissioni, motori, attrezzature o parti del corpo di sicurezza che abbiamo assolutamente bisogno del vostro numero di telefono per la spedizione per una consegna regolare. La pagina è tradotto automaticamente e possono contenere errori. Les images dans la descriptions sont des photographies originales de la pièce mise en vente. Le contenu de la livraison correspond aux pièces figurant sur les photographies. Nous garantissons la fonctionnalité de toutes nos pièces, sauf celles vendues explicitement comme défectueuses. Toutes les autres pièces tirées du même véhicule sont répertoriées ici GO. Assurez-vous à l’aide des images et du numéro de pièce (si existant) qu’il s’agisse bien de la même pièce que vous voulez remplacer. Par manque de logiciel de gestion de pièces détachées, nous n’avons pas la possibilité de faire un contrôle de compatibilité fiable nous même. Beaucoup de pièces peuvent aussi être utilisées sur d’autres modèles de voiture. Fiez vous aux numéros de pièce ou demander de l’aide à votre concessionnaire. Si vous ne trouvez pas une pièce, elle a probablement déjà été vendue ou est inutilisable. La facture (TVA inclue) vous sera envoyée par courriel. L’envoi se fait généralement directement après réception du paiement. Changer l’adresse après avoir pris commande est donc souvent impossible. Si vous ne trouvez pas votre pays dans la liste proposée, contactez nous. Dans le cas d’éléments encombrants (par exemple boîtes de vitesses, moteurs, sièges ou pièces de carosserie), veuillez indiquer votre numéro de téléphone pour que l’entreprise de logistique puisse s’assurer du bon déroulement de la livraison. Après avoir saisi votre commande vous obtiendrez un lien où vous pourrez consulter le statut de votre commande ainsi que l’avancement de la livraison. Con nosotros usted puede ver las fotos de las piezas originales. El producto exacta se muestra en la foto. Usted recibirá garantía en función, excepto en el texto está escrito defectuosa. Tenemos muchas otras partes de los vehículos establecidos. Todas las piezas están en la tienda de: GO. Por favor compare los números de referencia mencionados con una parte en su vehículo, por desgracia, no tenemos ninguna manera la falta de software, ya sea una prenda se adapta a comprobar en su coche, que le damos a todos los datos, y varias imágenes, usted debe decidir si los ajustes del artículo para usted. Por supuesto, usted puede recoger la parte directamente de nosotros. Muchas partes también caben otros vehículos, por favor, comparar el número de parte o consultar al fabricante. Enviamos en muchos casos inmediatamente después de recibir el dinero, por lo que a menudo no puede ser considerada posterior cambio de dirección. Envíos al extranjero es posible seleccionar el método de envío para su país y usted puede ver el Versadpreis, si no es posible, por favor contáctanos. Cuando el envío de mercancías voluminosas, como. Transmisiones, motores, equipos o partes del cuerpo de los asientos que tienen una necesidad imperiosa de su número de teléfono para el envío de un parto sin problemas. La página está traducido automáticamente y puede contener errores. All parts from this car. Alles aus diesem Auto. Tout sur cette voiture. Todo, desde el coche. Everything from a similar car. Alles aus ähnlichem Auto. Tout d’une voiture similaire. Tutto da un’auto simile. Todo de un coche similar. VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW Anlasser Starter 02T911023S. Starter motor Starter for VW Polo 6R 09-14 02T911023S. Moteur de démarreur Démarreur pour VW Polo 6R 09-14 02T911023S. Motorino di avviamento Motorino d’avviamento per VW Polo 6R 09-14 02T911023S. Motor de arranque Motor de arranque para VW Polo 6R 09-14 02T911023S. VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW Gaswertgeber Gaspedal 6Q1721503M 6PV008496-31. Gas value sensor Gas pedal for VW Polo 6R 09-14 6Q1721503M 6PV008496-31. Valeur du gaz capteur Pédale d’accélérateur pour VW Polo 6R 09-14 6Q1721503M 6PV008496-31. Sensore del pedale dell acceleratore Pedale del gas per VW Polo 6R 09-14 6Q1721503M 6PV008496-31. Valor sensor de gas Pedal de gas para VW Polo 6R 09-14 6Q1721503M 6PV008496-31. VW Polo 6R 09-14 Zündschalter 6R0905865. Ignition switch for VW Polo 6R 09-14 6R0905865. Contacteur d’allumage pour VW Polo 6R 09-14 6R0905865. Interruttore di accensione per VW Polo 6R 09-14 6R0905865. Interruptor de encendido para VW Polo 6R 09-14 6R0905865. VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW Adapter für Handkurbel Fensterheber Rechts Hinten. Adaptor for Hand crank Window Lift Right Rear VW Polo 6R 09-14. Adaptateur pour Manivelle Lève-vitre droite arrière VW Polo 6R 09-14. Adattatore per Manovella Alzacristallo Dx posteriore VW Polo 6R 09-14. Adaptador para Manivela de mano Elevalunas derecha posterior VW Polo 6R 09-14. VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW Lichtmaschine Generator 90A 14V 03D903025J 2542746F SG9B057. Alternator Alternator 90A 245 for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03D903025J 2542746F SG9B057. Alternateur Alternateur 90A 245 pour VW Polo 6R 09-14 03D903025J 2542746F SG9B057. Alternatore Alternatore 90A 14V per VW Polo 6R 09-14 03D903025J 2542746F SG9B057. Alternador Alternador 90A 14V para VW Polo 6R 09-14 03D903025J 2542746F SG9B057. VW Polo 6R 09-14 Hupe Signalhorn Links Vorne. Horn Signal Horn Left Front for VW Polo 6R 09-14. Klaxon Avertisseur signal gauche avant pour VW Polo 6R 09-14. Clacson Avvisatore acustico Sx anteriore per VW Polo 6R 09-14. Bocina Avisador acústico izquierda delante para VW Polo 6R 09-14. VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW Adapter für Handkurbel Fensterheber Links Hinten. Adaptor for Hand crank Window Lift Left Rear VW Polo 6R 09-14. Adaptateur pour Manivelle Lève-vitre gauche arrière VW Polo 6R 09-14. Adattatore per Manovella Alzacristallo Sx posteriore VW Polo 6R 09-14. Adaptador para Manivela de mano Elevalunas izquierda posterior VW Polo 6R 09-14. VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW Relais Vorglührelais Glühanlage Glühzeit Steuergerät 1J0919506M 898967000. Relay glow relay Glow Ignition System Glow Time Control Unit for VW Polo 6R 09-14 1J0919506M 898967000. Relais relais de préchauffage Système de préchauffage Temps de préchauffage Appareil de commande pour VW Polo 6R 09-14 1J0919506M 898967000. Relè relè incandescenza Sistema preriscaldamento Tempo preriscaldamento Centralina / Apparecchio controllo per VW Polo 6R 09-14 1J0919506M 898967000. Relé relé de incandescencia Sistema de precalentamiento Tiempo de precalentamiento Unidad de control para VW Polo 6R 09-14 1J0919506M 898967000. VW Polo 6R 09-14 5T Wischermotor Hinten Heckwischermotor 5K6955711B 0390201207. Motor, windscreen wipers Rear rear wiper motor for VW Polo 6R 09-14 5K6955711B 0390201207. Moteur d’essuie-glace arrière moteur d essuie-glace arrière pour VW Polo 6R 09-14 5K6955711B 0390201207. Motorino comando tergicristallo posteriore motorino del tergicristallo posteriore per VW Polo 6R 09-14 5K6955711B 0390201207. Motor del limpiaparabrisas posterior motor del limpiaparabrisas trasero para VW Polo 6R 09-14 5K6955711B 0390201207. VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW Anlasser Starter 02T911023R. Starter motor Starter for TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 02T911023R. Moteur de démarreur Démarreur pour TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 02T911023R. Motorino di avviamento Motorino d’avviamento per TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 02T911023R. Motor de arranque Motor de arranque para TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 02T911023R. Relay glow relay Glow Ignition System Glow Time Control Unit for TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 1J0919506M 898967000. Relais relais de préchauffage Système de préchauffage Temps de préchauffage Appareil de commande pour TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 1J0919506M 898967000. Relè relè incandescenza Sistema preriscaldamento Tempo preriscaldamento Centralina / Apparecchio controllo per TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 1J0919506M 898967000. Relé relé de incandescencia Sistema de precalentamiento Tiempo de precalentamiento Unidad de control para TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 1J0919506M 898967000. VW Polo 6R 09-14 TSI 1,2 51KW Lichtmaschine Generator 140A 14V H542746R. Alternator Alternator 140A 245 for TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 H542746R. Alternateur Alternateur 140A 245 pour TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 H542746R. Alternatore Alternatore 140A 14V per TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 H542746R. Alternador Alternador 140A 14V para TSI 1,2 51KW VW Polo 6R 09-14 H542746R. 30 days right of withdrawal. 30 jours de droit de rétractation. À propos de nous. 30 giorni di diritto di recesso. 30 días de derecho de desistimiento.
Harness Cables Engine wiring for VW Polo 6R 09-14 03E971612AD 03E971612AE
Harness_Cables_Engine_wiring_for_VW_Polo_6R_09_14_03E971612AD_03E971612AE_01_mkk Tagged: , , , , , , , .

2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness

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2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness

2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 VOLKSWAGEN POLO WIRING HARNESS. This listing is for the pictured wiring harness removed from a 2012 VOLKSWAGEN POLO. All non-mechanical & non-electrical parts are covered with a 12 month guarantee, all other parts are covered by a 3 month guarantee unless otherwise stated, the guarantee covers the part only and not any labour charges involved. All our parts are marked or stamped and any parts with these markings removed or tampered with will not be covered with the guarantee. Please make sure all parts are inspected before signing to ensure the item has not been damaged in transit. If the courier refuses simply write “DAMAGED” and do NOT sign. Once an item has been signed for we cannot process any claim with the courier company. If the part has been ordered incorrectly then you must return it to us at your own cost and we will look to supply you with the correct part. We can package items ready for collection, packing costs will be added to do so. Established for over 20 years, ASM Auto Recycling is widely regarded as one of the UK’s most modern and professional vehicle salvage agents and parts recyclers. Although the company has grown and invested significantly over the years to become one of the key players in the vehicle recycling industry, we pride ourselves on the fact that we have managed to retain the core’family’ values that our business was built upon, by trying to provide our customers with the desired levels of service, experience and enthusiasm that we would like to be given ourselves! We also boast an extensive used car parts centre. With over 2,000 vehicles stored at our premises for vehicle dismantling, we can supply used car parts for a large number of vehicles in the UK and across the world. This listing is for the pictured Wiring Harness removed from a 2012 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1198 Petrol with an engine code of CGPB and miles. The Wiring Harness were tested upon removal and comes with a 90 day guarantee. Registered in England no. Web design: MediaForge by Actopia.
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012_Volkswagen_Polo_Wiring_Harness_01_qvd Tagged: , , , .

2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness

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2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness

2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012 VOLKSWAGEN POLO WIRING HARNESS. This listing is for the pictured wiring harness removed from a 2012 VOLKSWAGEN POLO. All non-mechanical & non-electrical parts are covered with a 12 month guarantee, all other parts are covered by a 3 month guarantee unless otherwise stated, the guarantee covers the part only and not any labour charges involved. All our parts are marked or stamped and any parts with these markings removed or tampered with will not be covered with the guarantee. Please make sure all parts are inspected before signing to ensure the item has not been damaged in transit. If the courier refuses simply write “DAMAGED” and do NOT sign. Once an item has been signed for we cannot process any claim with the courier company. If the part has been ordered incorrectly then you must return it to us at your own cost and we will look to supply you with the correct part. We can package items ready for collection, packing costs will be added to do so. Established for over 20 years, ASM Auto Recycling is widely regarded as one of the UK’s most modern and professional vehicle salvage agents and parts recyclers. Although the company has grown and invested significantly over the years to become one of the key players in the vehicle recycling industry, we pride ourselves on the fact that we have managed to retain the core’family’ values that our business was built upon, by trying to provide our customers with the desired levels of service, experience and enthusiasm that we would like to be given ourselves! We also boast an extensive used car parts centre. With over 2,000 vehicles stored at our premises for vehicle dismantling, we can supply used car parts for a large number of vehicles in the UK and across the world. This listing is for the pictured Wiring Harness removed from a 2012 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1198 Petrol with an engine code of CGPB and miles. The Wiring Harness were tested upon removal and comes with a 90 day guarantee. Registered in England no. Web design: MediaForge by Actopia.
2012 Volkswagen Polo Wiring Harness
2012_Volkswagen_Polo_Wiring_Harness_01_cbj Tagged: , , , .

Vw Polo Mk6 Aw 2018- Chzl 1.0 Engine Wiring Loom Harness 04c972627m

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Vw Polo Mk6 Aw 2018- Chzl 1.0 Engine Wiring Loom Harness 04c972627m
Vw Polo Mk6 Aw 2018- Chzl 1.0 Engine Wiring Loom Harness 04c972627m
Vw Polo Mk6 Aw 2018- Chzl 1.0 Engine Wiring Loom Harness 04c972627m

Vw Polo Mk6 Aw 2018- Chzl 1.0 Engine Wiring Loom Harness 04c972627m
VW POLO MK6 AW 2018- CHZL 1.0 ENGINE WIRING LOOM HARNESS. (OFFICE USE ONLY) LOCATION OF PART. PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT THE IMAGES CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU COMMIT YOURSELF. Body panels & glass items. Body panels are sent at buyers risk as we are unable to insure them in transit on rare occasions body panels get damaged in transit. All electronic devices such as ECU’s or sensors are not returnable (please contact me for details) due to the fact that any electronic item could get damaged when being fitted to a faulty vehicle. PLEASE EXAMINE PARCELS WELL BEFORE SIGNING. COST OF USING THIS SERVICE IS THE BUYERS RESPONSIBILITY. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts & Accessories\Starters, Alternators, ECUs & Wiring\Wiring Harnesses, Cables & Connectors”. The seller is “farnworthbreakersltd” and is located in this country: GB. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French Guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Sri Lanka, Macau, Monaco, Montserrat, Martinique, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and Caicos Islands, Aruba, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Number in Pack: 1
  • Features: Durable
  • Connector Type: Female
  • Socket Type: 2 Pin
  • Terminal Quantity: 1
  • Placement on Vehicle: Front
  • Unit Quantity: 1
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 04C972627M
  • Brand: Polo
  • Type: Loom
  • Items Included: Wire Harness

Vw Polo Mk6 Aw 2018- Chzl 1.0 Engine Wiring Loom Harness 04c972627m
Vw_Polo_Mk6_Aw_2018_Chzl_1_0_Engine_Wiring_Loom_Harness_04c972627m_01_zygt Tagged: , , , , , , , .

VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019

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VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019

VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019. The description of this item has been automatically translated. VW Polo 9N 3-door. Engine Wiring Harness Wiring Harness Engine Manual Transmission. 2 breaks on the cable duct housing, see pictures. Have you seen this item from a competitor cheaper than ours? Send us the article number and we will adjust our price!! (385) = internal warehouse number VW Polo 9N 3-door compact car. Colour: L041 Ebony Black Engine: 1.2 12V AWY 40KW 54HP Transmission: 5-speed manual transmission GSH Climate: yes Seat heating: no Xenon: No Interior: fabric AU First registration: 11.11.2003. To 2.1: 0603 to 2.2: 652. In the case of bank transfer, the address can also be changed later. If you need more parts from this or other vehicles, visit our shop. No liability is assumed for the correctness of the vehicle application list, compare part numbers if specified. We sell original used parts, not cheap replicas! This guarantees a 100% fitting accuracy. Pick-up in 06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen approx. 40km from Leipzig, by appointment only. Unfortunately, since it often happens that some buyers try to abuse our right of return, we would like to point out that all our parts are marked before dispatch. Advice on used parts Since the spare part offered is a used part, it also has signs of wear. This always happens with used parts. For this reason they are also referred to as “used” – i. Traces of use on used spare parts are therefore no reason for a complaint. Body parts Used Body parts may have scratches and minor bumps. Since the spare part offered is a used part, it also has signs of wear. Used Body parts may have scratches and minor bumps. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts & Accessories\Starters, Alternators, ECUs & Wiring\Wiring Harnesses, Cables & Connectors”. The seller is “auto-teile-wolfen” and is located in this country: DE. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Volkswagen

VW Polo 9N 1.2 Awy Engine Wiring Harness Loom Motor Manual Transmission 385019
VW_Polo_9N_1_2_Awy_Engine_Wiring_Harness_Loom_Motor_Manual_Transmission_385019_01_fza Tagged: , , , , , , , .

Polo 2010 -14 UK RHD Wiring Harness for Right Doors BOTH 6R2971120GE New Genuine

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Polo 2010 -14 UK RHD Wiring Harness for Right Doors BOTH 6R2971120GE New Genuine
Polo 2010 -14 UK RHD Wiring Harness for Right Doors BOTH 6R2971120GE New Genuine
Polo 2010 -14 UK RHD Wiring Harness for Right Doors BOTH 6R2971120GE New Genuine

Polo 2010 -14 UK RHD Wiring Harness for Right Doors BOTH 6R2971120GE New Genuine
Car parts are complicated to get right, please check with us before ordering. Part number: 6R2971120GE Alternative part numbers / supersessions: 6R2 971 120GE Description Polo 2010 -14 UK RHD Wiring Harness for Right Doors BOTH 6R2971120GE New Genuine. Please note – this is fitted within a certain range of chassis / VIN numbers only. This part will need to be fitted by a professional workshop. Applications / fitment Volkswagen Polo 2010 – 2014. This is a new, genuine part. Our business details are available by clicking here. Our UK VAT number is GB 152 638 508. All our stock is in our warehouse near Hereford, UK. We are not responsible for the time taken for your local Postal service to deliver your order after it has been despatched. We do not mark items as’gifts’ – international government regulations prohibit such behaviour. Powered by SixBit’s eCommerce Solution. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts & Accessories\Starters, Alternators, ECUs & Wiring\Wiring Harnesses, Cables & Connectors”. The seller is “deutscheparts” and is located in this country: GB. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Volkswagen
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 6R2971120GE
  • Reference OE/OEM Number: 6R2 971 120GE
  • Other Part Number: 6R2 971 120GE

Polo 2010 -14 UK RHD Wiring Harness for Right Doors BOTH 6R2971120GE New Genuine
Polo_2010_14_UK_RHD_Wiring_Harness_for_Right_Doors_BOTH_6R2971120GE_New_Genuine_01_hfns Tagged: , , , , , , .


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VW POLO 2017 MK5 R LINE TSI 5 DOOR. FRONT NS LEFT WIRING LOOM HARNESS. UNDER FENDER LOOM, PLUG HEADLIGHT XENON, RELAY BOX, ABS SENSOR. ONEL PLUG DAMAGES SHOWN ON THE LAST PHOTO. MK5 FL (A05) (6C). 6 SPEED MANUAL – SEP. An item that has been previously used. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. Not take into account model specific parts and only generalises correct fitments. Please use Part Numbers that we providing for compatibility. WE SUPPLY GENUINE USED AUDI PARTS. We maintain a clean and safe environment and. Are fully licensed and regulated by the Environment Agency. Audi parts available off the shelf. And because they are all genuine parts, quality and correct fitments is always guaranteed. Please be aware that all items may have usage marks on them in the form of scratches as they are not brand new. Please note that all our parts are removed from RHD vehicles. Please ask if you are unsure of fitments compatibility with your LHD vehicle. All our items are used and therefore have varying grades of scratches and marks dependent on use and age. We take high resolution photographs of every item to help describe it’s condition as accurately as possible. Additional photographs can be supplied on request. We won’t take any responsibility for the compatibility of parts unless we have explicitly said it will fit. All parts are for sale exactly as shown on the picture. NS is Nearside, Left, or the passenger side in the UK. OS is offside, right, or drivers side in the UK. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts & Accessories\Starters, Alternators, ECUs & Wiring\Wiring Harnesses, Cables & Connectors”. The seller is “sirmais.73″ and is located in this country: GB. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Korea, South, Switzerland, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French Guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Sri Lanka, Macau, Monaco, Montserrat, Martinique, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and Caicos Islands, Aruba, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Russian Federation.
  • Modified Item: No
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Germany
  • Custom Bundle: No
  • Warranty Period: 3 Months
  • Unit Quantity: 1
  • Type: Loom
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): WVWZZZ6RZHY244852
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 6Q0973038A
  • Classic Car Part: No
  • Unit Type: Unit
  • Reference OE/OEM Number: 6Q0973038A
  • Brand: Volkswagen
  • Mileage: 27416

VV_POLO_RLINE_2017_MK5_999cc_TSI_FRONT_NS_LEFT_WIRING_LOOM_HARNESS_RELAY_BOX_31_01_dcjo Tagged: , , , , , , , , .

VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ

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VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ
VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ
VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ
VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ
VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ
VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ

VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ
VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ #58. Genuine Volkswagen group part. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts & Accessories\Starters, Alternators, ECUs & Wiring\Wiring Harnesses, Cables & Connectors”. The seller is “kelpibrown” and is located in this country: GB. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, European Union.
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 036971595BQ
  • Reference OE/OEM Number: 036971595BQ
  • Brand: Polo
  • Type: Loom

VW Lupo Polo wiring harness set for engine 036971595BQ
VW_Lupo_Polo_wiring_harness_set_for_engine_036971595BQ_01_livi Tagged: , , , , , .

Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom harness

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Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom harness
Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom harness
Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom harness

Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom harness
Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom. 2015 Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom as shown in used condition. We Have A Wide Range Of Used Vehicle Spares In Our Shop. This Is a Used Item So Please Expect Some Signs Of Wear. 2015 Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom as shown in uséd condition. We Have A Wide Range Of Uséd Vehicle Spares In Our Shop. This Is a Uséd Item So Please Expect Some Signs Of Wear. No additional information at this time. You might also like. 2003 Porsche 996 3.6 Carrera 4S Accelerator Throttle Pedal Unit. 2003 Porsche 996 3.6 Carrera 4S Air-Con Line. 2003 Porsche 996 3.6 Carrera 4S Air-con Pipe. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts & Accessories\Starters, Alternators, ECUs & Wiring\Wiring Harnesses, Cables & Connectors”. The seller is “vauxtorque” and is located in this country: GB. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Ireland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Russian Federation, Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Korea, South, Switzerland, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French Guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Sri Lanka, Macau, Monaco, Montserrat, Martinique, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and Caicos Islands, Aruba, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay.
  • Brand: Volkswagen

Volkswagen VW Polo GTI Engine wiring loom harness
Volkswagen_VW_Polo_GTI_Engine_wiring_loom_harness_01_ilwz Tagged: , , , , , .